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Neon Ayurvedic Spa is also a virtual Proposal during Diploma Semester 4. This spa is a proposal of  Ayurvedic centre which can help anybody with disease. Apart of diseases, This center is also Proposed for Body stabilizing, rejuvenating process and cleansing process of an individual's body.

This spa Design is based on Concept of Nature. This spa is to be located deep in the forest and out of city area to provide relaxation. The Center is mainly proposed for aduts and senior citizen as youngsters are not much interested with ayurvedic treatments. This centre consists of  water spa Villa room, Nursery, Aromatheraphy room, Product display room, Exortic Flower pool, Thermal Ayurvedic pool, Massage treatment room for ladies and men and etc. This centre has the shape of  Nature whereby it is insprired by the Ayurvedic flower design.

The scheme proposed here are more to wood texture, water related setting, with dim lighting and copper bronze, brown , beige colours to create the relax and cool ambience.


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